Room 402

Where everything moves forward but nothing changes. Find your place of peace in the Madrid mountains, it will feel like coming home.

Our lives have taken on a frantic pace, with time slipping through our fingers. The lack of hours in our days suffocates us; we need an escape valve, a place where time stands still or continues to flow, but nothing changes. A place to breathe, to close your eyes with the warmth of the sun touching your face, where you can take a deep breath again. It sounds idyllic, almost like a fantasy world, but it’s very close to us, so close that sometimes we don’t realize that’s right in front of us. San Lorenzo Suites is the escape valve we all need.

San Lorenzo Suites is located in the heart of San Lorenzo de El Escorial, and as many say: «the most beautiful and charming town in the entire Sierra de Madrid» An Eden among narrow streets and cobblestone floors, the clear, unpolluted blue skies, orange and pink when the day ends, the town feels like it remains in its majestic old days and the surroundings make you feel part of it.

The concept of this hotel revolved in Belén’s mind when she had the opportunity to reopen what had been an old hostel. It had everything to be a winning card: location, history, charm, and memories. All the necessary ingredients to create something and make it a success. Additionally, it had an added value: no matter the reason for visiting the town—business, tourism or getaways—visitors always fell in love with it and with the sunrises from its modern and comfortable rooms. Belén Cubillo, the hotel’s director and owner, decided to bring an old hostel into life after it was shown to her by someone who would become a great friend, with whom she now shares coffee and confessions every week at the reception of what is now her hotel. Only a few things of what it was still remains, but the spirit is still there, in the walls of each room, holding stories, secrets, and reunions.

San Lorenzo Suites en San Lorenzo del Escorial puerta principal

It seems like the art, history, and romantic air of our country are something that she has always pursued, as she grew up between Cervantes’ house and those magical summers in the Sierra de Madrid. Now, she’s settled in this charming town, just a few minutes away  from what is now her work. But It wasn’t always this way. Her professional life changed overnight, and she found herself with the opportunity to change her future. She needed a new passion, and the old hostel, worn down by time, needed her. Sometimes, your new beginning is found in everything that always gave you peace. Located on Calle del Duque de Alba, behind a small plaza filled with trees that create a play of light and shadows, stands the original hostel facade, where the white and red tones blend with the stone and nature around it. A dark plaque with white typography welcomes us to the San Lorenzo Suites boutique hotel. Its immaculate hallways, with artistic pieces hanging from its walls, lead us to the rooms, pure and full of life with every ray of light that bounces off its white walls.

The minimalist decoration and color palette embrace the history of not only the building but also the town, making the views and the feeling of peace the main character, filling your soul as you admire each detail frozen in time.

How did you find this place?


Well, when you have the idea of starting such an activity, you look for possibilities, and you focus on what you want. You talk to people, you move around in the sector, and you tell your friends what’s on your mind. And that’s what I did. A good friend told me that his sister, now my dear friend, had seen a nearly abandoned old hostel building in a great location. We went to see it… and that’s how it started. I am very grateful to both of them for their help. When we first saw it, it was in ruins, but the potential was there. On my second visit, I knew this was the place where I could make my dream come true.

What do you enjoy most about San Lorenzo?
The walks. The walks are special; I like to walk when the streets are already empty, it’s a pleasure hard to explain. A walk through the Lonja at sunset… it doesn’t matter if it’s cold or hot, windy or snowy, each day is different and all are enjoyable.

When was the first time you entered what is now known as San Lorenzo Suites?

It was in 2014. The building was destroyed by the course of time, and reaching up to the fifth floor was a dangerous adventure.

How was the renovation work until this beautiful boutique hotel was achieved?

It was a project of artisanal reconstruction of an iconic building, recovering something very special for the town, the old Hostal Vasco, a reference in local hospitality for many years. A new structure was built, spaces were redistributed, and modern installations were provided using special materials, all designed so that guests could enjoy the most welcoming atmosphere possible.

Is there anything preserved from the old Hostal Vasco?

We were only able to keep a few details such as the walls in some rooms and the façade of the hotel.

Which is the most special room?

Room 402 has a special place in my heart. It is a simple room, in white and tan tones, but it offers stunning views. At the start of the day, the Monastery’s towers appear in a different hue, and having breakfast in the suite, enjoying the views and the light, completes the experience.

Do you have a favourite spot in your hotel?
I love every corner of the hotel, but there are some rooms that I would personally choose. For example, the attic room has stunning views and is very cozy. I also like working at the reception; it’s a quiet and well-decorated place, with a bit of background music… as the hotel is small, its usually very peaceful and we can share quality time with our guests.

What feelings and memories does your boutique hotel give you?

The hotel provides me with many positive feelings; it has given me a new purpose. In these past couple of years, I have learned a lot. On one hand, I’ve been challenged to acquire a lot of knowledge about the hotel industry and how to manage a business.  And on the other, I’ve learned a lot about myself, how to make better decisions, develop new skills, improving my relationships with others, among other things. I am happy to have been able to start and develop this project. There’s a lot of effort behind it, but also a lot of satisfaction for a job well done.

Is there any comment from one of your many guests that has stuck with you?
Once, a guest wrote: the suites on the fourth floor offer the most incredible view of the Escorial. You will fall asleep looking at the illuminated Monastery and wake up seeing the light bathing the room. You soak in the warmth of the sun while peacefully contemplating the charming view.

How would you define San Lorenzo Suites?

Comfortable, warm, cozy, charming, and with the best service! We challenge ourselves daily to achieve the level of service where guests can feel even better than at home.

And finally, what would you recommend for a guest to do in San Lorenzo?

Well, it depends on the client’s preferences. Some come for cultural tourism, others for environmental tourism, hiking, gastronomy… there are also guests who come for work. I like to look for the cultural agenda and indicate activities at the auditorium or theatre, usually, they like it after a day of historical visits or excursions, a more relaxing recommendation like music, theatre, or a painting exhibition works well to complete the day.

San Lorenzo Suites wouldn’t be the same without the history of San Lorenzo de El Escorial, and the town wouldn’t continue to shine without people like Belén.

Belén went all in, guided by her heart and intuition, and she didn’t fail. She reopened an old hostel that for many went unnoticed, like a broken, dirty toy, but she saw the shine beneath the layers of dust and the possibilities it had under all the ruins. She brought it back to life when no one else had thought of it, and it gave her a new beginning. Now she creates memories behind the doors of each of its rooms, giving moments that will stay in the memories of many, with the best service, so much so that you will feel better than at home. Memories that can join many others and that fill her heart with joy. As three friends declare:


“I have so many memories here… my grandparents’ fiftieth wedding anniversary, time with my cousins, the cinemas, the smell of newspapers on Saturdays… but my favourite spot is my grandmother’s terrace,” declares one of them with dreamy eyes. “I think I could highlight two memories above all others: every Christmas going to see the Nativity scene with the smell of roasted chestnuts and the Three Kings parades,” says another friend with a full heart. “Belén’s hotel fills me with nostalgia and at the same time gives me a lot of peace. I remember when my grandparents used to bring me to the Three Kings parade and the peace I felt from the views from Felipe II’s chair,» the last one of them emotionally recalls.

Now everyone can create memories for posterity, rest and dream in one of the hotels unique rooms and wake up to a sunrise like they’ve never seen before. Come to San Lorenzo Suites and live the experience.

Periodismolifestyle ClaraGarcía5
Periodismolifestyle ClaraGarcía6

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